Sunday, 7 March 2010

Raising Money for Haiti

The last month has seen us very active in raising money. We'd always planned to do a big event if February during "Thanks for Life" Week (celebrating the efforts of Rotary towards Polio eradication), but we were interrupted in our preparations by the disastrous earthquake in Haiti. With a quiz night and concert hastily organised we raised enough for 5 Shelterboxes. Founded by Cornish Rotarian Tom Henderson, ShelterBox responds instantly to disasters all around the world delivering aid as quickly as possible to the people who need it most. At a cost of £500 each, each box contains:

At the heart of every ShelterBox is a ten-person tent. It is custom made for ShelterBox by Vango, one of the world's leading tent manufacturers, and is designed to withstand extreme temperatures, high winds and heavy rainfall. Internally, each tent has privacy partitions that allow recipients to divide the space as they see fit.

A smile
Every box contains a children's pack containing drawing books, crayons and pens. For children who have lost most, if not all,their possessions, these small gifts are treasured.

Warmth and protection
In addition to the tent, the boxes contain a range of other survival equipment including thermal blankets and insulated ground sheets, essential in areas where temperatures plummet at nightfall. Where malaria is prevalent mosquito nets are supplied, as well a life saving means of water purification. Water supplies often become contaminated after a major disaster, as infrastructure and sanitation systems are destroyed, this presents a secondary but no less dangerous threat to survivors than the initial disaster itself.

Self sufficiency
A basic tool kit containing a hammer, axe, saw, trenching shovel, hoe head, pliers and wire cutters can be found in every box. These items enable people to improve their immediate environment, by chopping firewood or digging a latrine, for example. Then, when it is possible, to start repairing or rebuilding the home they were forced to leave.

We raised £3,500 in a matter of weeks, to send seven Shelterboxes and help 70 people.With our neighbouring clubs sending a further 13, 200 people in the affected areas have somewhere to shelter from the elements.

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